Knapsack Problem Fix using Dynamic Programming Example - Shikshaglobe

Content Creator: Vijay Kumar

What is the Knapsack Problem?

Backpack Problem calculation is an exceptionally supportive issue in combinatorics. In the grocery store, there are n bundles (n ? 100) the bundle I has a weight of W[i]? 100 and is worth V[i] ? 100. A criminal breaks into the store and the hoodlum can't convey weight surpassing M (M ? 100). The issue to be settled here is: which bundles the hoodlum will remove to get the most elevated esteem?

The Knapsack Problem is a classic optimization problem in computer science and mathematics. It can be solved efficiently using dynamic programming. In this example, we'll walk through how to fix the Knapsack Problem using dynamic programming. Problem Statement:

Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the maximum value that can be obtained by selecting a subset of the items such that the sum of the weights of the selected items does not exceed a given weight capacity.

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Let's consider a set of items with their weights and values:

Item 1: Weight = 2, Value = $10

Item 2: Weight = 5, Value = $20

Item 3: Weight = 9, Value = $30

Item 4: Weight = 1, Value = $5

Item 5: Weight = 3, Value = $15

And a knapsack with a weight capacity of 10.

Solution using Dynamic Programming:

We can solve this problem efficiently using dynamic programming with a 2D array. The idea is to build a table where each cell dp[i][j] represents the maximum value that can be obtained with the first i items (from 1 to i) and a knapsack capacity of j. Here's how you can do it:

1.     Initialize a 2D array dp of size (n + 1) x (W + 1), where n is the number of items, and W is the weight capacity of the knapsack.

2.     Initialize the first row and first column of dp with zeros since with zero items or zero capacity, the maximum value is zero.

3.     Fill in the dp array using the following recursive formula:

dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i-1][j - weight[i]] + value[i])

def knapsack(items, capacity):

    n = len(items)

    dp = [[0] * (capacity + 1) for _ in range(n + 1)]


    for i in range(1, n + 1):

        for j in range(1, capacity + 1):

            if items[i - 1][0] <= j:

                dp[i][j] = max(dp[i - 1][j], dp[i - 1][j - items[i - 1][0]] + items[i - 1][1])


                dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j]

    return dp[n][capacity]

# Example usage:

items = [(2, 10), (5, 20), (9, 30), (1, 5), (3, 15)]

capacity = 10

max_value = knapsack(items, capacity)

print("Maximum value:", max_value)

In this example, the knapsack function returns the maximum value that can be obtained by selecting items from the list while respecting the capacity constraint of the knapsack. For the provided example, the maximum value is $75 (obtained by selecting items 1, 2, and 4).


Greatest weight M and the quantity of bundles n.

Cluster of weight W[i] and comparing esteem V[i].


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Boost esteem and compare weight in limit.

Which bundles the criminal will remove.

Backpack calculation can be additionally isolated into two kinds:

The 0/1 Knapsack issue utilizing dynamic programming. In this Knapsack calculation type, each bundle can be taken or not taken. Furthermore, the hoodlum can't take a fragmentary measure of a taken bundle or take a bundle at least a couple of times. This type can be addressed by the Dynamic Programming Approach.

Partial Knapsack issue calculation. This type can be tackled by the Greedy Strategy.

In this instructional exercise, you will learn:

What is the Knapsack Problem?

Step-by-step instructions to Solve Knapsack Problem utilizing Dynamic Programming with Example

Investigate the 0/1 Knapsack Problem

Equation to Calculate B[i][j]

The premise of Dynamic Programming

Work out the Table of Options

Follow 5

The calculation to Look Up the Table of Options to Find the Selected Packages

Java Code

The most effective method to Solve Knapsack Problem utilizing Dynamic Programming with an Example

In the gap and-vanquish methodology, you partition the issue to be tackled into subproblems. The subproblems are additionally isolated into more modest subproblems. That undertaking will go on until you get subproblems that can be tackled without any problem. Notwithstanding, during the time spent such division, you might experience similar issue ordinarily.

The fundamental thought of Knapsack dynamic writing computer programs is to utilize a table to store the arrangements of tackled subproblems. In the event that you face a subproblem once more, you simply have to take the arrangement in the table without settling it once more. Consequently, the calculations planned by powerful writing computer programs are exceptionally successful.

Rucksack Problem

To tackle an issue with powerful programming, you want to do the accompanying errands:

Track down arrangements of the littlest subproblems.

Figure out the equation (or rule) to construct an answer to a subproblem through arrangements of even the littlest subproblems.

Make a table that stores the arrangements of subproblems. Then, at that point, work out the arrangement of the subproblem as indicated by the tracked-down equation and save it to the table.

You track down the arrangement of the first issue from the tackled subproblems.

Investigate the 0/1 Knapsack Problem

While dissecting the 0/1 Knapsack issue utilizing Dynamic programming, you can discover a few perceptible focuses. The worth of the backpack calculation relies upon two variables:

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The number of bundles that are being thought of

The excess weight that the rucksack can store.

Thusly, you have two variable amounts.

The Knapsack Problem is a classic optimization problem that asks: "Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the maximum value you can obtain by selecting a subset of items without exceeding a given weight limit." This problem can be efficiently solved using dynamic programming. In this example, we will walk through the steps of solving the Knapsack Problem with a clear illustration.

Understanding the Knapsack Problem

Let's say you are a thief planning a heist. You have a knapsack (or bag) with a limited weight capacity, and you want to maximize the total value of items you can steal without overloading your knapsack.

Problem Inputs:

  • Items: A list of items, each with a weight (Wi) and a value (Vi).
  • Knapsack Capacity (C): The maximum weight your knapsack can hold.

Problem Output:

  • Maximum Value (V_max): The maximum value of items you can carry in your knapsack without exceeding its weight capacity.

Dynamic Programming Solution

We will use dynamic programming to solve this problem efficiently. Here's a step-by-step example:

Step 1: Create a Table

Create a 2D table (matrix) where rows represent items and columns represent possible knapsack weights (from 0 to the knapsack's capacity).

Step 2: Initialize the Table

Initialize the table. Set the values to 0 for the first row (representing no items) and the first column (representing no capacity). The rest of the table will be filled in dynamically.

Step 3: Fill in the Table

For each item and each possible weight (from 0 to the knapsack's capacity), calculate the maximum value that can be achieved. To do this:

  • If the item's weight (Wi) is greater than the current capacity, copy the value from the row above (i.e., the value for the same weight without this item).
  • Otherwise, consider whether it's better to include the item or exclude it:
    • Include: Add the item's value (Vi) to the value in the table at the previous row and the remaining capacity after deducting the item's weight.
    • Exclude: Copy the value from the row above.

Take the maximum of these two values and populate the current cell with it.

Step 4: Retrieve the Maximum Value

The maximum value will be in the bottom-right cell of the table, representing the optimal solution to the Knapsack Problem.


Let's consider a practical example:


  • Item 1: Weight (W1) = 2, Value (V1) = 6
  • Item 2: Weight (W2) = 2, Value (V2) = 10
  • Item 3: Weight (W3) = 3, Value (V3) = 12

With dynamic programming, you have helpful data:

The goal capability will rely upon two variable amounts

the table of choices will be a 2-layered table.

Assuming that calling B[i][j] is the greatest conceivable worth by choosing in bundles {1, 2, …, i} with weight limit j.

The most excellent worth when chosen in n bundles with as far as possible M is B[n][M]. As such: When there are I bundles to pick, B[i][j] is the ideal weight when the most extreme load of the backpack is j.

The ideal weight is in every case not exactly or equivalent to the greatest weight: B[i][j] ? j.

For instance: B[4][10] = 8. It intends that in the ideal case, the complete load of the chosen bundles is 8 when there are 4 first bundles to browse (first to the fourth bundle) and the greatest load of the backpack is 10. It isn't required that each of the 4 things is chosen.

Recipe to Calculate B[i][j]

Input, you characterize:

W[i], V[i] are thus the weight and worth of bundle I, in which I Knapsack Problem utilizing Dynamic Programming Example{1, …, n}.

M is the greatest weight that the rucksack can convey.

On account of just having simply 1 bundle to pick from. You compute B[1][j] for each j: and that implies the most extreme load of the rucksack ? the heaviness of the first bundle

The Knapsack Problem is a classic optimization problem that asks: "Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the maximum value you can obtain by selecting a subset of items without exceeding a given weight limit." This problem can be efficiently solved using dynamic programming. In this example, we will walk through the steps of solving the Knapsack Problem with a clear illustration.

Understanding the Knapsack Problem

Let's say you are a thief planning a heist. You have a knapsack (or bag) with a limited weight capacity, and you want to maximize the total value of items you can steal without overloading your knapsack.

Problem Inputs:

  • Items: A list of items, each with a weight (Wi) and a value (Vi).
  • Knapsack Capacity (C): The maximum weight your knapsack can hold.

Problem Output:

  • Maximum Value (V_max): The maximum value of items you can carry in your knapsack without exceeding its weight capacity.

Dynamic Programming Solution

We will use dynamic programming to solve this problem efficiently. Here's a step-by-step example:

Step 1: Create a Table

Create a 2D table (matrix) where rows represent items and columns represent possible knapsack weights (from 0 to the knapsack's capacity).

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Step 2: Initialize the Table

Initialize the table. Set the values to 0 for the first row (representing no items) and the first column (representing no capacity). The rest of the table will be filled in dynamically.

Step 3: Fill in the Table

For each item and each possible weight (from 0 to the knapsack's capacity), calculate the maximum value that can be achieved. To do this:

  • If the item's weight (Wi) is greater than the current capacity, copy the value from the row above (i.e., the value for the same weight without this item).
  • Otherwise, consider whether it's better to include the item or exclude it:
    • Include: Add the item's value (Vi) to the value in the table at the previous row and the remaining capacity after deducting the item's weight.
    • Exclude: Copy the value from the row above.
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Take the maximum of these two values and populate the current cell with it.

Step 4: Retrieve the Maximum Value

The maximum value will be in the bottom-right cell of the table, representing the optimal solution to the Knapsack Problem.


Let's consider a practical example:


  • Item 1: Weight (W1) = 2, Value (V1) = 6
  • Item 2: Weight (W2) = 2, Value (V2) = 10
  • Item 3: Weight (W3) = 3, Value (V3) = 12

Compute the Table of Options

You fabricate a table of choices in view of the above recursive equation. To check to assume the outcomes are right (while possibly not precisely, you remake the goal capability B[i][j]). Through the production of the goal capability B[i][j] and the table of choices, you will situate the following.

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Table of choices B incorporates n + 1 lines, M + 1 sections,

Right off the bat, loaded up with the premise of dynamic programming: Line 0 incorporates every one of the zeros.

Utilizing recursive recipes, use line 0 to work out line 1, use line 1 to ascertain line 2, and so forth … until all lines are determined.

Compute the Table of Options

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Table of Options

While computing the table of choices, you are keen on B[n][M] which is the greatest worth acquired while choosing in all n bundles with as far as possible M.

In the event that B[n][M] = B[n - 1][M], bundle n isn't chosen, you follow B[n - 1][M].

On the off chance that B[n][M]? B[n - 1][M], you notice that the ideal choice has the bundle n and follows B[n - 1][M - W[n]].

Keep on following until arriving at line 0 of the table of choices.

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