How to get Overview of Material Stock - Shikshaglobe

Content Creator: Satish kumar

We can get stock outlines of a specific material across different association levels by T-Code - MBE.

Enter T-Code in Command bar MBE. Enter Material No. Select the showcase level for which we need to see the stock outline. ...

The result will be shown underneath the Stock outline for material 9554 is shown.

We can get a stock outline of a specific material across different association levels by T-Code - MBE.

Step 1: Access the Inventory Management System

1.     Log in to your inventory management system using the appropriate credentials and permissions required to access inventory-related functions.

Step 2: Navigate to Material Stock Overview

1.     Locate the inventory or stock management section within the system, typically found under an "Inventory," "Stock," or "Materials" menu.

2.     Within this section, you should find options related to viewing material stock overviews or reports.

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Step 3: Specify Stock Overview Parameters

1.     In the material stock overview or report options, you may be prompted to specify parameters that define the scope of your overview. Common parameters include:

·         Material: Select the specific material or product for which you want to view the overview. Alternatively, choose "All Materials" for a comprehensive stock overview.

·         Location/Warehouse: Specify the physical location or warehouse from which you want to access stock information. This is particularly useful if your organization has multiple storage locations.

·         Date Range: Choose a date range to view stock data for a specific period, which could include current stock levels or historical stock movements.

·         Batch/Serial Numbers: If your materials are tracked by batch or serial numbers, you may have the option to filter by these identifiers.

·         Stock Status: Filter by stock status, which might include categories like "On Hand," "In Transit," "Reserved," and other relevant statuses.

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2.     Depending on your system, there may be additional advanced filtering options available to refine your search.

Step 4: Generate the Stock Overview

1.     Click on the "Generate," "Run," or a similar action button to initiate the stock overview report based on the parameters you've selected.

Step 5: Review Material Stock Data

1.     The system will generate and display the material stock overview report, presenting information such as:

·         Material ID/Name: The unique identifier or name of the material or product.

·         Quantity: The quantity of the material in stock.

·         Location/Warehouse: The physical storage location of the material.

·         Batch/Serial Numbers: If applicable, batch or serial numbers associated with the material.

·         Stock Status: The current status of the stock, such as "Available," "Reserved," "In Transit," etc.

·         Date Information: Relevant date details, including the last stock update date.

2.     You may have options to sort, filter, or export this data for further analysis or reporting.

Step 6: Analyze and Take Action

1.     Carefully review the material stock overview data to gain insights into the current status of your inventory.

2.     Identify any discrepancies, shortages, or overages that require attention or corrective action.

3.     Based on the overview, take appropriate actions, which may include replenishing stock, adjusting inventory levels, or reallocating materials to meet demand.

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Step 7: Document and Analyze

1.     Document the stock overview data for future reference and auditing purposes.

2.     Conduct regular analyses of material stock overviews to identify trends, optimize inventory levels, and enhance inventory management practices.

Enter T-Code in Command bar MBE.

Enter Material No.

Select the showcase level for which we need to see the stock outline.

The result will be shown underneath

The stock outline for material 9554 is shown.

Stock at the Company/Plant/capacity area is shown. By double tapping each level we can see the stock outline at that level.

Likewise, we can get a stock outline at the plant/capacity area after double tap on the plant/capacity level.

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Must Know!

All About Material Exclusion & Inclusion (Listing) 
How to Determine Shipping Point 
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What is Schedule Line Category and how to define it 

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