How to Create/Add Users in Jenkins & Manage Permissions - shikshaglobe

Content Creator: Vijay Kumar

How to Create Users & Manage Permissions in Jenkins 

In Jenkins, a user is someone who has an account on the Jenkins server. Users can be given permission to create and manage their own projects, as well as to view other projects that they have access to. To create a new user, click on the "People" link in the left-hand sidebar. This will take you to the "Manage Users" page, where you can click on the "Create User" button. Enter the desired username and password for the new user, and then click the "Create User" button at the bottom of the page.

How to Create/Add Users in Jenkins and Manage Permissions

Managing users and their permissions in Jenkins is essential for controlling access to your Jenkins server and its resources. This guide will walk you through the steps to create/add users in Jenkins and manage their permissions effectively.

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Before you begin, ensure you are logged in to Jenkins with administrative privileges. You need administrative access to manage users and permissions.

Steps to Create/Add Users in Jenkins and Manage Permissions:

1.     Log in to Jenkins:

·         Open a web browser and navigate to your Jenkins server's URL. Replace this with the actual URL if Jenkins is hosted elsewhere.

·         Log in with your administrative credentials.

2.     Access the Jenkins Dashboard:

·         After logging in, you will land on the Jenkins dashboard.

3.     Go to "Manage Jenkins":

·         Click on the "Manage Jenkins" link on the left-hand side of the dashboard. This will take you to the Jenkins management page.

4.     Access "Manage Users":

·         On the "Manage Jenkins" page, you will find a list of administrative options. Locate and click on the "Manage Users" option. This will take you to the "Manage Users" page, where you can view and manage existing users.

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5.     Create a New User:

·         To create a new user, click on the "Create User" button. This button is usually located on the top left corner of the "Manage Users" page.

6.     Fill in User Details:

·         You'll be presented with a form to fill in the user's details. Required fields typically include:

·         Username: Enter a unique username for the new user.

·         Password: Set a strong password for the user.

·         Full Name: Provide the user's full name.

·         Email Address: Enter the user's email address.

·         You can also assign the user to a specific group by selecting a group from the "User Groups" dropdown, but this is optional.

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7.     Set Permissions:

·         Depending on your Jenkins configuration, you may have the option to specify permissions for the user. Permissions control what actions the user can perform within Jenkins. Common permissions include:

·         Overall: Controls general access and administrative privileges.

·         Job: Determines what jobs the user can create and configure.

·         Build: Specifies permissions related to starting and stopping builds.

·         Agent: Manages access to agent nodes in Jenkins.

·         Check the boxes next to the desired permissions for the user. Be cautious about assigning administrative privileges unless necessary.

8.     Save the User:

·         Once you've filled in the user's details and set their permissions, click the "Create User" button to create the user account.

9.     Confirmation:

·         You should receive a confirmation message indicating that the user has been created successfully.

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10. Manage Users:

·         You will be returned to the "Manage Users" page, where you can view the newly created user in the list of users.

Managing User Permissions:

To manage user permissions for existing users:

1.     Access "Manage Users":

·         Follow steps 1 to 3 above to access the "Manage Users" page.

2.     Locate the User:

·         Scroll through the list of users to find the user whose permissions you want to modify.

3.     Edit User:

·         Click on the username of the user you wish to modify. This will take you to the user's details page.

4.     Edit Permissions:

·         On the user's details page, you can edit their permissions by checking or unchecking the relevant boxes for each permission category.

5.     Save Changes:

·         After making changes, click the "Save" or "Save" button to update the user's permissions.

Deleting Users:

To delete a user:

1.     Access "Manage Users":

·         Follow steps 1 to 3 above to access the "Manage Users" page.

2.     Locate the User:

·         Scroll through the list of users to find the user you want to delete.

3.     Delete User:

·         Next to the user's name, you should see a "Delete" or "X" button. Click on it to delete the user.

4.     Confirmation:

·         You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Confirm the action, and the user will be deleted from Jenkins.

To give a user permission to create and manage their own projects, select the "Can create jobs" checkbox next to their name on the "Manage Users" page. To give a user permission to view other projects, select the "Can view jobs" checkbox next to their name. If you want a user to be able to do both of these things, you can select both checkboxes. Once

For the most part, in a huge association, there are different, separate groups to oversee and run positions in Jenkins. In any case, dealing with this horde of clients and relegating jobs to them can demonstrate problematic.

As a matter of course, Jenkins accompanies extremely fundamental client creation choices. You can make various clients yet can appoint similar worldwide jobs and honors to them. This is not great, particularly for an enormous association.

The Role Strategy Plugin empowers you to allocate various jobs and honors to various clients. You will initially have to introduce the module in your Jenkins manage the climate.

The most effective method to Install Role Strategy Plugin in Jenkins

There are two strategies for introducing modules in Jenkins:

Introducing it through your Jenkins dashboard

Downloading the module from the Jenkins site and introducing it physically.

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